
Its unique egg shape makes it a stand-out gift that has everything.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch!

All hand-picked and packed by myself – here’s what’s included:

The Ingredients

001 Crushed Shells
Step 01

Crushed shells

The base to aid in water drainage

002 Drainage Rocks
Step 02

Drainage Rocks

These act as water drainage for the plant roots.

003 Activated Charcoal
Step 03

Activated charcoal

A thin layer of activated charcoal keeps water fresh to stop bacterial growth in your terrarium.

004 Sphagnum Moss
Step 04

Sphagnum Moss

The base to aid in water drainage

005 Peat-free soil
Step 05

Peat-free Compost

A thin layer of activated charcoal keeps water fresh to stop bacterial growth in your terrarium.

006 decorative Rocks
Step 06

Decorative Rocks

A thin layer of activated charcoal keeps water fresh to stop bacterial growth in your terrarium.

Reindeer Moss - Green
Additional decoration

Reindeer Moss / Green

Norwegian Reindeer – Natural Preserved

Reindeer Moss - Red
Additional decoration

Reindeer Moss / Red

Norwegian Reindeer – Natural Preserved

Reindeer Moss - Yellow
Additional decoration

Reindeer Moss / Yellow

Norwegian Reindeer – Natural Preserved

Plants* include a selection typically including:

*This selection of terrarium plants will be selected depending on the time of year and what is looking best at the time of purchase

Asparagus Fern

Asparagus Fern

(Asparagus Setaceus)


Pilea Peperomioides


(Pilea Peperomioides)


Maiden Head Fern

Maiden Head Fern

(Adiantum Raddianum)


Peperomia Red Log

Peperomia Red Log

(Peperomia Verticillata)


Babys Tears

Baby’s Tears

(Soleirolia Soleirolii)


Baby Rubberplant

(Peperomia Obtusifolia)


Callisia Repens

Turtle Vine

(Callisia Repens)


Fittonia albivenis


(Fittonia albivenis)


Cushion Moss

(Leucobryum Glaucum)


Terrarium Process Gallery

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